Friday, 15 August 2008

Simple Form Styling (No Tables)

Always wondered how they made forms with no table html( As quoted from here.)

No table code used, but dl,dt and dd.

<dl class="newsletter">
<dt><label for="name">Name:</label></dt>
<dd><input type="text" id="name" value="Enter your name" /></dd>
<dt><label for="email">Email:</label></dt>
<dd><input type="text" id="email" value="Enter your email" /></dd>
Style the desired areas, as follows
<style type="text/css">
.newsletter {width: 50%;}
.newsletter dt {float: left;}
.newsletter dd {margin: 0 5em 1em 5em;}

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Movie Poster

This poster is an example of my graphical abilities for a silly competition I devised at OkCupid :P The winner will get one of their desired photos digitally enhanced to the best of my abilities, just one photo.

Description of Work:
This is the only movie poster I have ever made, I made this for an ex-partner's mum. I had to scavenge around the internet for the right images and angles. Took a little while yes :p

The poster could never be very high resolution, because the images were ripped off the internet and were of various sizes.

Big enough to shove in a frame and hang some where at least ^^.

The plane and ship was never by the Golden Gate bridge like that :P

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

How NOT to Design

Don't just call it a "" and a slap a picture on it with a few links in there :P

Planning and Designing

During my naive young years, I rarely planned or designed. I coded to my hearts content lol. I have decided to rectify that. So I have spent a fair time trying various ways of designing more digitally. Also I have an issue with "pencils" and endless amounts of paper being wasted. I used sketch and jot dot down almost anything of an idea.

They all exercise sharing in a social way. Also they are all easy to browse and publish.

Keeping others posted
Any change done, must be able to give everyone a quick overview of changes rather than individual emails.
Online journal or blog, be sure to let everyone know how use RSS feeds

Master Plan
Must have Brainstorm chapter
Must be easily sharable and editable by anyone
Must be colorful (Use key colors to designate important notes/must reads).

Still waiting for MySQL's Workbench for Linux to come out of beta.
DIA (Linux)

One document with many many various layers, each layer represents a different part of the site.

You don't want everyone accidently deleting other's thoughts just because they hate it. More the merrier, pick out the important ones for planning :P
Emails don't forget to use "Reply to all"
blogs or journal addons (Votes and comments)

Tuesday, 12 August 2008


Firefox use Linux (Ubuntu is my fav distro).
IE6 use IE4Linux for Linux (Not the beta, but you could though ain't used it yet myself)
IE7 use XP in VMWare Server for Linux

VMWare Server (get version 1, as version2 is a kind disapointing)
I am a lover of virtual machines for testing, just recently had a hefty time installing VMware Server on Ubuntu 8.04, then I discovered this.

Update Patches
When downloading the latest update, keep the defaults, but recompile when it asks for the gcc compiler. You should not need to re-enter the serials, be sure to run the following when updating
sudo cp /lib/ /usr/lib/vmware/lib/
sudo cp /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/vmware/lib/

Another note to remember:
Use Legacy Driver for CD drive, cuz my drive is too new. Even if u have 64bit dual core, don't get greedy with processors, one processor should be enough :P

service pack3 for xp, need more than 3gig+71mb size for partition, better make it 5gigs if you want it to live more (Especially to install updates like ie7) :P

Monday, 11 August 2008

My Dev Environment

Programming / On the fly FTP Editing and Saving / Window Management
Read this

Also there is a sneek peak of my latest project, it is about as close as anyone is going to get. Still early days but viciously expanding, also don't want anyone stealing my idea. Only a few close friends know this project and I trust them fully to not disclose any information without checking in with me first :) Even that scares me lol.

This idea has been in head for absolute years, ever sinces I touched learning PHP. I've only a working prototype to show off a snippet of the system. I am now trying to make it a reality. It is all heavily planned and if all goes well....Well lets not get too big head here, who knows it could fail really :P

I am also thankful I have got my programming interests back, it disappeared on me over a year ago. Long story so I won't explain here. Enjoy the pic :P

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Smarty Obsolete

Smarty was made obsolete by proper use of MVC and CSS handling. Also you can cache pages using Zend_Cache.

Heh, as of this date, they moved to it's domain, lol. Some developers still rely on technology and still need support (Like regular updates), fortunately I am not one of them.

Handy Design Links

Free Fonts

Less Distracting Links

Soo many links? Grey out the areas that not so important, until hovered over.

As of 2008 SecondLife's website demonstrates this very well.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Welcome to my Dev Blog

Here you see snippets of code in various languages that has been helpful to me.